Monday, December 6, 2010


Some xmas cards for lucky people...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Watercolour Challenge


Friday, November 5, 2010

Pictures for other people.... instrumental band this side of Taipei (ahem)
Rock Starkey, legendary owner of Tin Pan Alley pizzaria, Tainan

Leon LaPointe...lord of the Canadians

Friday, October 15, 2010

Stuff other than skulls

Vampire chick

Alien headhunter

Zombie monkey



Tuesday, October 5, 2010




Hanging Tree

Womb with a view
I want your skull


Chiang Kai-Shek

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Atayal 泰雅 are awesome.

I live with ex headhunters.   The Atayal are part of the Austronesian family that stretches from here, all over the Philippines, Borneo to the Polynesian Islands and even Madagascar.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Wulai Ulay Urai

In January 2003 I moved from England to Taiwan. The plan was to teach English for 6 months to a year and then continue traveling to other Asian hotspots. It didnt work out like that I am still (happily) here. Taipei was like a 24 hour disco, and I think I was drunk and tired for the entire 2 years I lived there. During that time we managed a bar called DV8 (and destroyed it), put on music events at clubs like the Living Room, started our band and imbibe a lot.

Two years was enough though and Yayun and I decided we should move on. We chose Wulai (烏來)because it was close enough to Taipei that I could feasibly commute to work everyday and because it was an Atayal area (Yayun's tribe). Also because it looked like this:

Good choice I think. We can still imbibe a lot, and after 5 years I still really love it here. Great friends, great swimming and fishing, too many snakes and ignorant tourists who drive an hour to eat 'mountain pig sausage' without realising its the same ground up selection of snouts and hooves they could buy in any nightmarket. Mugan!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Rocking out on mainstage...

Our band Collider has been doing our thing in Taipei in various guises for about 5 years.  I'm very proud of the band and the songs and thankful to everyone who has been in this band, especially the much missed Mikey and Leon.  With families  and kids and stuff, the band sometimes gets forgotten which is inevitable I suppose, but things are moving on....While we arent the most popular band in this town (to do that would require a costume, a gimmick or some semblance of funk), I think we've made a sound of our own and played some belting shows in unusual places.  We're about to record so here is some  goodness to warm you up...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hello Blog world

So here it first foray into the world of the blog.
This will be a blog of catastrophic proportions mainly focusing on; My life in Taiwan and eventual escape from the world of EFL teaching,  the trials and tribulations of Taipei's finest instrumental band Collider, my battles with my ever expanding waist and chin, the introduction of a new Yayun/Rafe made child to the world (eta March 2011).
Lets celebrate this wonderful moment.